Family Preservation

Vandy (10 years, boy), Vanda (8 years, boy), Neary (4 years, girl), and Tepy (10 months, girl) were found with their mother in a market, begging the vendors and the customers for money. The family had previously returned from Thailand, leaving behind their father who was addicted to drugs and alcohol.

Seeing their situation, the locals in the market helped find a job for the mother to work at a nearby fish farm, which was helpful to provide some income, but it meant that she needed to leave her children unattended at home.

When the CCT social workers first met the family, the children looked malnourished.

“I wish to make a change in my children’s lives. I would like to see a difference in them,” said Romnea, the mother of the four children.

(Vandy, Vanda, Neary, Tepy and Romnea

Photo by: Cambodian Children’s Trust)

With support from FCF | REACT through CCT, Reaksmey attended a six-month vocational course to learn cooking and baking. The boys are enrolled in school and attend the CCT youth centres, where they have built strong friendships with other children.

(Vandy and Vanda

Photo by: Cambodian Children’s Trust)

“I like eating a lot of delicious food. My favourite one is grilled pork and chicken,” said Sochea.

In addition to vocational skills in cooking and baking, the mother also learns to parent the children through socializing with other learners. The participants have introduced the mother to bathing, dressing, and teaching children good manners. As a result, the children are loved and well treated.

“My wish came true; now I have skills for living and knowledge to better care for my children; they can grow in a safe and good learning atmosphere. We’re very happy to be together!” says Romnea, the mother

CCT is supporting the family to live in a rented house and cover some associated costs related to electricity and water.  The children can learn from home and access the CCT centres to meet their basic needs, including health care and education.


** Name of the child has been changed to protect the confidentiality