Safety in Foster Care

Ton Van** is 19 months old. He is the only son in his family. His mother sadly died recently during childbirth. The father is 33 years old, and he does not have a regular income or address. Both parents were previously involved in drugs, and before the mother died, she had a serious mental health challenge. Unfortunately, while she was unwell, she gave Van alcohol to drink and was violent towards him.

After seeing these issues, the neighbor contacted the Battambang Social Affairs Office, the Deputy Governor of Battambang Town, and the CCWC to seek support and protection. The assessment indicated that the child was in a risky situation and needed emergency intervention. According to the assessment, it was found that the child had been seriously abused, lacked nutrition, and his physical health was not good at the age of three months. As a result, the government authorities decided to remove the child from the family and temporarily look for a safer placement to get treatment and care. In addition, the Office of Social Affairs brought the child to get medical treatment at the Provincial Referral Hospital of Battambang and contacted Holt Cambodia to seek temporary foster care service.

“I really feel sorry for the child as he had never received good care from his mother since he was born; He got sick a lot when we first got him, but he’s very active, so we must be careful about his safety,” said the foster mother.

(Photo by FCF)

The child was placed in Holt Cambodia’s temporary foster care funded by FCF | REACT on July 15th, 2020. The child received regular support, such as food (milk), clothes, diapers, shampoo, toys, health care support, etc.  In addition, Holt also provided a monthly stipend to support the foster family in taking care of Van. As a result, Van has significantly improved his health, looks stronger, smiles, and has better physical development.

 “I have always treated and adored him like my own child. I am happy to see him healthier, eat well and wears new clothes I bought for him,” said the foster father.

(Photo by FCF)

Although the child is now in a safe place and receives good care, Van’s reunification with his birth family is still important. Holt and Battambang authorities are still cooperating to work with his family to address the risks and problems and improve the family situation for reunification as soon as it is possible.

** Name of the child has been changed to protect his identity