In 2017, Family Care First has directly impacted 2,718 children and 4,008 adults and indirectly reached 1,230,239 beneficiaries.

In 2018, we reached 2,646 children and 2,797 directly while indirectly reached 102,344 people. With more organizations started to receive funding under REACT in 2019, we have directly reached 9,287 children and 7,321 adults while indirectly reached 260,718 beneficiaries.

In 2019, the project reached 44,526 children and 232,790 adults directly and indirectly.

In 2020, the project reached 2,542,431 children and 4,073,188 adults directly and indirectly.

In 2021, the project reached 289,302 children and 1,403,337 adults directly and indirectly.

We have provided support to 73 Residential Care Institutions to change their model of care, and 25 of them are in the progress of being transformed into community centers. Seven of our members are now providing family-based care support for children. We have referred 156 children with support in 11 villages in Battambang and conducted 3,924 family visits to support families with placements. Our Positive Parenting training has been participated by 44 participants from the government and NGOs. The online case management system, OSCaR, that we support has been utilized by 30 organizations with more than 6,000 children’s cases entered.

We’re conducting a research on the nature and extent of Online Sexual Exploitation of Children is currently being implemented. We are also working with the Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation (MoSVY) to develop three sets of Social Work Guidelines. The Guidelines on Basic Competencies for the Social Workforce in Cambodia was the first of the sets to be launched in November 2019.