Our Member - Komar Rikreay


KOMAR RIKREAY (KMR) is a local Cambodian organization working since 1998 and focusing on child protection and safe reintegration in Battambang province, on the North – West of Cambodia.


All children victim of any form of trafficking or abuse must have access to their basic human rights to have better life condition.


Komar Rikreay association supports vulnerable children and their family by offering a short-term shelter, access to health, access to education, psychological support, access to training, and advocacy for safety and sustainability in the communities.

What KMR is Doing

  1. Reception, rehabilitation and reintegration:

KMR runs a transitional centre for children separated from their families. Its goal is to reintegrate children with their biological family (parents or extended family), where it is safe to do so.

Where reintegration is not possible, we provide family environments to children who cannot return immediately to their family.

  1. Alternative Care:

Children who cannot live with their biological family or relatives are provided with alternative care such as foster care family, an adoptive family, or with independent living (for of age children).

In January 2018, we have 6 foster care families and 26 children placed.

  1. Community and Family Empowerment:

This program is divided into 3 projects: Safe Childhood in Family, I am a Child and ChildSafe.

Battambang Province emergency number: 092 91 11 15


Action with Family Care First (FCF)

Komar Rikreay provides a short or long term safe and family environment to the children who can’t live with their family or relatives.

They support foster care children to access their rights in a family environment, while the community involved in foster care have improved knowledge about the alternative care program. Children are accompanied toward a safe reintegration and permanent foster care is provided for the ones who cannot be reintegrated.

At least three children will be reintegrated to their biological families by June 2020.